3 Forkfuls of Spaghetti Podcast

Living well with cancer

Listen to Dee Pipik share stories from her journey of enduring cancer 3 times. Where sometimes, even taking a few bites of spaghetti can be a small but meaningful step.

Each episode is 2-3 minutes.

The ‘C’ Word

  • What cancer meant to Dee then at 17 and again now.

    Length 3:26

3 Forkfuls of Spaghetti

  • Even 3 simple forkfuls of spaghetti can be a big step.

    Length 1:35

What Do I Do Now?

  • So it’s cancer…What do I do now!?

    Length 2:13

All Cancer Sucks

  • All Cancer Sucks. Period.

    Length 2:02

What Did You Do To Get Cancer?

  • The false belief that it could never happen to you.

    Length 2:39


  • The role of the doctor in your cancer journey.

    Length 2:46

Fire Jumper

  • Life goals before and after cancer.

    Length 2:02

Health Insurance

  • Healthcare… or lack thereof.

    Length 2:07

Take the Next Step

  • It’s just about taking the next step. Even with a prosthetic.

    Length 2:32

“Positive Thinking”

  • Is Positive Thinking a myth? Fake it till you make it as the saying goes.

    Length 2:31

Treatment - Then & Now

  • How treatment options have progressed, including unconventional methods.

    Length 3:20

Lucky Unlucky

  • I’m so unlucky to have cancer, and I am so lucky they found it in time.

    Length 1:56

Ring My Bell

  • You better sing it!

    Length 2:12

Survival Mode

  • Going into Survival Mode. Don’t go there till you get there.

    Length 1:32

About Dee Pipik

At the age of seventeen, Dee Pipik was diagnosed with bone cancer. She lost her right leg. For the rest of her life she wore a prosthesis.

When she was fifty, Dee developed breast cancer. She underwent a mastectomy, intravenous chemo drug and radiological treatments, and long-term drug therapy.

Five years later Dee discovered the cancer had metastasized to her abdomen. Her metastatic breast cancer was controlled by chemo drugs for four years before surfacing for a final time.

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